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Solo Placements

Our solo placements are provided to meet the specific identified needs of young people and adults who require bespoke support.

Access to care work closely with Local Authorities; Social Care and Commissioners and other professionals when developing these services.

Access to Care offer homely environments which are thoughtfully presented and maintained to a high standard. Personalisation of the environment is encouraged and achievements celebrated.  We promote activity and hobbies, staying safe and healthy whilst focusing on developing independence skills.

Access to Care are able to offer a flexible response to placement needs. We develop a staff team according to existing experience and skill sets to match any identified needs, we further ensure appropriate levels of support by sourcing any relevant, ongoing training for staff development in support of the placement.

Our solo placements allow our young people to develop positive, trusting relationships with a dedicated staff team. Staff teams are consistent cohorts; we find this is really positive for the young person and professionals, promoting continuity of support within the setting and for all involved.

There is no single definition or criteria for a solo placement with Access to Care, each placement is individual, so when considering if this type of provision appropriate, consider that Access to Care have provided placements for young people and adults in solo provisions experiencing multiple complex needs;

  • Child Sexual Exploitation CSE

  • Child Criminal Exploitation CCE

  • Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children UASC

  • Safe House

  • Domestic violence DV

  • Index/Licensed Offenders

  • Adults with learning disabilities and additional needs

  • Looked After Children

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